這邊因要將備份的虛擬機放至 NAS
掛載、卸載 NAS
- 掛載
[root@localhost:/opt/ghettovcb/bin] esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /volume1/ASUS-Server [NAME]
Connecting to NAS volume: [NAME]
Belstar_KH created and connected.
# -a|--add Add a new NAS filesystem to /vmfs volumes.
Requires --host and --share options.
Use --readonly option only for readonly access.
# -o|--host <host> Set the host name or ip address for a NAS mount.
For version 4.1, can be a comma-separated list.
# -s|--share <share> Set the name of the NAS share on the remote system.
# /volume1/ASUS-Server 為 NAS 上放置的位置
# Belstar_KH 為掛載名稱
[root@localhost:/opt/ghettovcb/bin] esxcli storage nfs remove -v [NAME]
[root@localhost:/opt/ghettovcb/bin] esxcli storage nfs list
Volume Name Host Share Accessible Mounted Read-Only isPE Hardware Acceleration
----------- ------------ -------------------- ---------- ------- --------- ----- ---------------------
[NAME] 192.168.X.XX /volume1/ASUS-Server true true false false Not Supported
# list List the NAS volumes currently known to the ESX host.
[root@localhost:/opt/ghettovcb/bin] esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /volume1/ASUS-esxi-02 [NAME]
Connecting to NAS volume: [NAME]
Unable to connect to NAS volume [NAME]: Unable to complete Sysinfo operation. Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Sysinfo error: The NFS server denied the mount requestSee VMkernel log for details.
請檢查 NAS
是否給予 ESXi